"Design Your Living by Living Your Design"


Our Standalone Services

BG5® Consultation

BG5® is:

A system like a cross between the Personality Type Indicator (a tool for understanding personal traits and preferences) and Genetic Identity (the unique set of genes that determine your biological characteristics). We all have psychological preferences in terms of how we perceive the world and make decisions, as well as a specific way that our genetics operate, that make each of us unique. It is an accurate coding and synthesis (combination) of both your conscious (Personality) and unconscious (DNA) levels. Your BG5® Success Code removes the mystery of why certain things in your life work the way they do, and why some things don’t work the way you think they should. It gives you objective (based on observable facts) genetic information about who you are designed to be.

Transformative Coaching

Accredited by the ICF (International Coaching Federation).

Each session is 45 minutes.

This is an ongoing professional relationship that helps produce fulfilling results in your life, career, business, or organization.

It involves working with our coaches to make meaningful and lasting changes in areas like health, career, relationships, finances, and emotional well-being. This type of coaching helps you focus on your personal growth by encouraging you to recognize existing patterns of resistance.

We are partnering with you in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires you to maximize your personal and professional potential.

Breathing Sessions

Application of the Therapeutic Breath School System, accredited by the IBF and GPBA

Each session is around 90min

The goal is to assist you on the following levels:

  • On the Physical level, which entails support in finding your natural full and free breathing.

  • On the Emotional level, in which support is given to honor your feelings leading to healthy sharing and connection with others.

  • On the Mental level, in which feedback is given in support of choosing your thought patterns to maintain your highest integrity and loving truthful communication.

  • On the Spiritual level, through facilitation, directed toward being in alignment with your spiritual core and connectedness with all life.

Space-Human Vibes Balancing


Informative session is 60mins

You are a living energy field. Your body is composed of energy-producing particles, each of which is in constant motion and creating energy.

We aim to use the energy waves created by and around your body to enhance your health, incorporating both scientific and holistic approaches.

By understanding how electrical and magnetic energy in the body trigger chemical reactions, we can better influence your health outcomes.

Geo-Pathic Stress Healing

It is part of the BIO-GEOMETRY School

Feng Shui - Accredited by the IFSA

Geo-Pathic stress is:

A relatively new term that refers to the impact of earth energies on people's well-being. It involves understanding how the energy from the earth and what lies beneath it—whether natural features like mineral deposits or man-made structures like tunnels, sewers, pipes, and utility lines—affects us.

Living above areas with these energy disturbances can lead to a variety of physical and psychological symptoms, including exhaustion, sleep disorders, headaches or migraines, numbness or tingling in the hands and feet, general nervousness, and a low mood.

We work on the affected space and implement design solutions to prevent or reduce such negative effects on your health.


Design Your Living by Living Your Design

Self-created customized 1:1 program for 5-7 months


A journey of experiencing not only learning, that you will do through a unique Self created customized 1:1 program encompassing all of the standalone services (BG5 Consultation, Transformative Coaching, Breathing Session, Space-Human Vibes Balancing, Geo-Pathic Stress Healing), to develop an optimal plan for curing & harmonizing YOU, your TRUE SELF and your SPACE.

Self-Investment Time & Value:

Customized and detailed program

FOURTEEN 1:1 sessions for 90 Min

FOURTEEN follow-up calls or meetings for max 45 min

Urgent replies on WhatsApp throughout 5 working days/week

Introductory Lectures

1. Pain & The Emotional Body

Discover how the emotional body influences your thoughts, feelings, and overall well-being in this 2-hour session. Perfect for beginners, it introduces simple ways to connect with your emotions, release blockages, and enhance your emotional health.

2. Human Design/BG5

Discover the basics of Human Design and BG5 in this 2-hour session. Learn how these concepts can reveal your natural strengths, enhance self-awareness, and offer practical insights into your personal and professional life—all in a simple, engaging way.

3. Feng Shui/Bio-Geometry

Discover how Feng Shui and BioGeometry can enhance the energy in your home or workspace. This 2-hour session introduces practical tips to create balanced, harmonious spaces, making it perfect for beginners seeking a healthier, more supportive environment.

4. Ley Lines/Power Spots

Explore the connection between Earth’s energy fields and well-being in this 2-hour session. Learn about ley lines, geo-pathic stress, and how energy influences our spaces and lives, all presented in an engaging and accessible way.

Our Modular Program

Connection Journey Workshop - 40hrs

Discover the connection between self, space, and the universe through scientific, evidence-based practices. Explore subtle energy, healthy design principles, geopathic stress, and the messages our body, DNA, and the universe convey. Gain foundational skills in Feng Shui, space healing, positive programming, and breathwork. Whether you're an expert or a beginner, this workshop offers an immersive experience for enhancing health and achieving holistic balance. This workshop offers an immersive experience for enhancing health and achieving holistic balance through activating what is blocked in us and was intuitively imbedded within.

Power Spots

Integrative Trip

Experience transformative journeys to power spots that resonate deeply, connecting you with your true self. These trips enhance personal and cosmic awareness, harmonize energies, and unlock life-enhancing vibrations.


Jordan: May & September

Egypt: November

Participation Requirements:

Completion of the "Connection Journey - WE & SPACE" 40-hour workshop.

Participation in a Jordan trip to be eligible for an Egypt trip.

How Our Beneficiaries Perceive Us

Coach Sanya is my "Giving MOM"—a guiding light who helped me when I was lost. I met her on Zoom back in 2019 during one of the darkest times of my life. Her Connection Journey program brought small, beautiful changes that transformed my struggle with depression, grief, and self-doubt into hope and energy.

I’ll never forget the breathing exercises that let me finally release a lifetime of pain. Even when life felt overwhelming and my challenges seemed insurmountable, Coach Sanya was there with steady, genuine support. She helped me see the rainbow behind the storm, even through financial hardships and personal heartaches.

I’m forever grateful for her warmth, wisdom, and the way she helped me find my spark again.


Hiba Abou Haykal
Connection Journey Workshop Participant

أنا نادية العامودي، وقد شاركت مع Petaluda في رحلة استكشافية ساحرة في الأردن في مارس 2022. كانت الرحلة كالمجهر السحري الذي يقرب البعيد ويوضح القريب؛ إذ ألهمني وادي رم برؤية قدرة الخالق على تحويل البحر إلى صحراء، وأكدت لي زيارة البتراء على قدرة الإنسان في تحويل الصخور إلى معالم خالدة.

الرسالة كانت واضحة: رغم صغر حجمنا، نحتوي عالماً كبيراً بداخلنا. غيرت هذه التجربة وعيي ومسؤوليتي تجاه الحياة، وأظهرت لي جمال من خلقني ونورت دروب الآخرين.

كل الشكر لفريق Petaluda على احترافيتهم وتفانيهم؛ فأنا متأكدة أن هذه المرة الأولى ليست الأخيرة!


Nadia Alamoudi
Power Spot Integrative Trip - Jordan Participant

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Janet J.
Zen Retreat Attendee

كانت رحله اثراء معرفي بما للكلمة من معنى حيث اضافت معلومات قيمه ومتنوعه على الصعيد الشخصي والمسار المهني كمهندسه تصميم داخلي فقد تم الاطلاع على علوم كثيرة تم ربطها بطريقة سلسة لنفهم علاقة كل ما في الكون ببعضه ابتداءا بعلاقة الإنسان بالمكان وعلاقة الصحة بالنفسية و علاقة المفاهيم بنمط الحياة

لقد مسني بصفة خاصة علم البيوجيومتري المرتبط بالفراغات والبيئة المحيطة و تاثيره في توازن الذبذات و الترددات المنظمة لكل شيء حيوي باختصار رحله رائعه اشكركم من كل قلبي


Hala Alhomsi
Connection Journey Workshop Participant

Call us: +972 7 7571 9092

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